Rules and Regulations for Madison Soccer Fall 2024
Time of Games (by Division/Age group by birthyear)
Division 100 (2021-2020) 4 Quarters- 6 minutes each. Halftime- 5 minutes
Division 200 (2019-2018): 4 Quarters- 8 minutes each. Halftime- 5 minutes
Division 300 (2017-2016): 4 Quarters- 8 minutes each. Halftime- 5 minutes
Division 400 (2015-2014): 2 Halves- 20 minutes each. Halftime- 5 minutes
Division 500 (2013-2012): 2 Halves- 25 minutes each. Halftime- 5 minutes
Players on the field
Division 100 (2021-2020): 4 players and 1 goalie
Division 200 (2019-2018): 5 players and 1 goalie
Division 300 (2017-2016) 6 players and 1 goalie
Division 400 (2015-2014): 6 players and 1 goalie
Division 500 (2013-2012):10 players and 1 goalie
(If teams are short handed or have a surplus of players- both coaches can agree to play with more/less players)
These are the recommended team positions, but not required:
Division 100 (2021-2020): 2 Offense, 2 Defenders, 1 Goalie
Division 200 (2019-2018): 2 Offense, 1 Midfielder, 2 Defenders, 1 Goalie. OR 1 Offense, 2 Midfielders, 2 Defense,1 Goalie.
Division 300 (2017-2016): 2 Offense, 2 Midfielders, 2 Defenders 1 Goalie OR 1 Offense, 3 Midfielders, 2 Defenders, 1 Goalie
Division 400 (2015-2014): 2 Offense, 2 Midfielders, 2 Defenders, 1 Goalie OR 1 Offense, 2 Midfielders, 2 Defenders, 1 Sweeper, 1 Goalie
Division 500 (2013-2012): 3 Offense, 3 Midfielders, 3 Defenders, 1 Sweeper, 1 Goalie OR 1 Striker, 3 Front Mid, 2 Back Mid, 4 Defenders, 1 Goalie
*If your team has a 5 point lead, please switch to a more defensive position and attempt to focus on footskills and proper passing and dribbling techniques!
One Coach will provide the game ball to the referee.
All players are required to wear shin guards.
All players should wear Soccer Cleats (however it is not a mandatory in the 100's division).
Metal Cleats and Football/Baseball Cleats are not allowed
All players should have a drink with them on the bench.
100's- Two coaches allowed to assist on-field/goalside
200's- One coach allowed to assist on-field/goalside
300's- One coach allowed to assist on-field for the first week only as a refresher. After week one, coaching from sidelines/goalside of their half of field only.
400's- Coaching from the sidelines/goalside on their half of field only.
500's- Coaching from the sidelines/goalside on their half of field only.
All coaches must remain appropriate and have good sportsmanship.
First team on the schedule gets the ball first Kick off/Restart
After Goal is Scored:
The ball is placed at the center point of the field; each team has their players standing on their own half of the field outside of the center circle.
The starting team has one to two players standing inside of the circle to begin the game.
When the whistle is blown, the starting team’s chosen member passes the ball to their team.
As soon as the ball is kicked by the primary starter, the play is live, and the other team may advance on the ball.
The player who’s kicks the ball of cannot kick it again until another player from either team kicks it first.
3rd Goal Rule:
If any player scores a total of 3 goals in a game that player must play midfield, or defense for the rest of the game.
The exception to this is if the game is tied in the 4th quarter or 2nd half. That player may play offense if a game-saving goal is needed.
When the ball exits the field on a sideline, the referee will call for a throw-in.
The team that did not make the ball leave the field will be the team that executes a throw-in.
Proper technique for a throw in includes two feet on the ground upon release of the ball. This means that a dragging foot is legal as long as it stays on the ground through the release of the ball.
No hopping!
The ball must also pass over the player’s head, not one handed or to the side.
Improper Throws-
100's- retry with assistance as much as necessary
200's- retry 2x with assitance
300's- retry 1x
400's- no redos!
500's- no redos!
You can NOT make a goal directly from a throw in, a player on the field must get the ball into the goal.
Direct Kick vs Indirect Kick:
In general, an indirect kick is the result of a contact foul or hand ball.
Direct kicks are not allowed for all age groups in Madison Soccer.
Indirect Kick:
If a penalty results in an indirect kick that means the player taking that penalty kick must kick the ball to a teammate and then can be played to score from the spot of the violation.
Corner Kick vs Goal Kick:
When the ball exists the field over one of the goal lines, the referee will call for a goal kick or a corner kick.
If the defending team kicked the ball out, it would result in a corner kick.
If the offending team kicked the ball out, it would result in a goal kick.
Corner Kick:
Corner Kicks are taken from the corner arc on the side that the ball exited the field on.
A chosen player will wait for a whistle, then kick the ball anywhere they choose towards their teammates.
During corner kicks, the kicker may not touch the ball twice in a row.
Once they kick the ball, another player must come into contact with it before they are able to touch it again.
Goal Kick:
Goal kicks are taken from the edge of the Goal Area/6 Yard box (see picture).
The Goalie may place the ball on the line of the goal area and will kick the ball outside of the penalty box.
A chosen kicker can also do this kick.
The goalie also has the option to pass (the ball does not have to be kicked out of the penalty box.
All other players are asked to back up and are not allowed to touch the ball before it exits the penalty box.
If the ball is not kicked hard enough to exit the penalty box the referee will call for a redo.
If any player other than the designated kicker/goalie touches the ball before it exits the penalty box, the referee will call for a redo.
Half Line:
In 100's and 200's the Half Line will be used for opposing teams to stand behind until a Goal Kick has been completed by the other team.
Once the ball is put in play, the opposing team may advance on the ball.
Drop Kicks:
Goalies in 400's and 500's may drop kick the ball into play from inside the penalty area after gathering a shot on goal.
All other age groups will only throw the ball into play.
There will be no use of the head in any age group in Madison Soccer.
If a player uses his head on purpose, a foul will be called, and the opposing team receives an indirect kick.
If the player accidently uses their head, that player must sit out and be reviewed for a concussion before being allowed to reenter.
All Coaches will have taken a Concussion Protocol course and know what to look for.
The goalie is allowed to use their hands inside the Penalty Area only.
Use of hands outside of the Penalty Area results in an indirect kick.
If the goalie has control of the ball an opposing player cannot kick it out of their hand.
Pass-back Rule:
If a player passes the ball backwards towards their goalie, the goalie may NOT use their hands.
This is considered a “pass-back” and the goalie must use their feet as a fielder to control and pass the ball.
If hands are used the consequence is an indirect free kick (section 6) or a throw-in (section 4) depending on the age of the players and the size of the field.
Any use of hands by a player (except the goalie) inside the field of play will result in an indirect kick.
Handball is defined as “Hand to Ball contact” not Ball-to-hand. If a ball hits a player’s hand/arm/shoulder, it is not considered a hand ball.
If the player uses their hand/arm/shoulder to move the ball on purpose to create an advantage it is considered a hand ball.
This means that the referee makes a judgement call given their view at that time. Please, do NOT contest hand balls calls as they are difficult to make, and you may have had a better vantage point than the referee at the time!
Hand ball or a Penalty:
In the Box- Indirect will be given outside of box
Fouls are NOT called with normal bumping, shoulder-to-shoulder pushing, or body contact. Fouls are NOT called when a player trips during a tackle or falls down during normal play. Rather, a foul is generally only called when the contact includes a raised elbow or hand or if the offending player makes an obvious move on to the other player instead of the ball.
Specific Fouls-
Shoving, charging, striking, grabbing, shirt pulling, spitting, kicking, etc.
Fouls usually result in indirect kick.
If the foul is deemed bad enough, the referee may Yellow or Red card the player
Yellow- Warning, 2 yellows = red Red- Ejection for the remainder of the game due to extremely unsafe or unsportsmanlike play.
Team must play down a player if a Red card is issued and a MSL representative will speak with the player and their guardians about the occurrence.
Fouls will be called differently depending on the age group of the players involved and is entirely up to the referee’s discretion
Offsides -
Offsides will be enforced in 300's, 400's, and 500's.
Offsides is defined as “A player cannot be nearer to his opponent’s goal line than both the ball and the second last opponent.”
In short, you cannot be closer to the goal than the opposing team’s defender when you receive a pass.
There is No offsides on a throw in.
Cherry Picking-
For our 100's and 200's divisions, “Cherry Picking”- the opposing offensive player cannot be closer to the goal than the opposing team’s defender when you receive a pass. Cherry picking is discouraged and may result in an indirect kick for the other team from where the ball was passed.
Critical behaviors towards the referee by any child, coach, or parent will NOT be tolerated. Our Referees are kids and will not always make perfect calls. While they have been given and understand the Rules and Regulations, kids (and adults) make mistakes. Any criticism about referees must be directed towards a league representative to handle in the proper manner. We will be very strict on the Referee rule and if not abided by could result in a dismissal from the fields.
If there are any questions or concerns during play, please direct them to a league representative.
Along with respecting the referees, sportsmanship to all other players and coaches will be expected. Parents are expected to remain respectful of all coaches and children involved.
If a player is injured, we ask that our players take a knee until the injury has been resolved.
All players should receive similar amounts of playtime regardless of their gender, age, or skill level. This is a “for fun” league, and all players should be given equal opportunity to play and have fun! (I.e. if you have a handful of skilled players, they should not dominate the playtime. Stacking your rotation of players to place extra playtime on skilled players will not be tolerated, regardless of the score!)
At the end of the game, we have given the coaches the choice in how their team will say ‘’good game’ whether it’s a handshake line, fist bump line, or a wave. In every game we expect there to be some sort of acknowledgment in good sportsmanship by both teams that there was a “good game” played.
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