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High school student nearing graduation?

Check out the EDWARD J. MORAN Scholarship:

Not sure if Travel Soccer is right for you? Check out our info sheet below!

Madison Soccer League is an ALL-Volunteer organization that works hard to provide Madison, Ohio and surrounding communities, a fun and active soccer experience. More information will be posted shortly on this page about how you can get involved and all that we do. We break our main sections of local participation into:

Recreational Soccer – a low-competition co-ed youth soccer program intended to build the basics of play and allow for a fun and relaxed experience

Travel Soccer – a higher level of training and competition that requires going throughout NE Ohio 

TOPS Soccer – our highly successful special needs program

Adult League – For the over-18 crowd who want to play (COMING SOON!)



Paul Cook


Phone: (440) 474-2675

Hillary Jeschelnig

Director of Recreation

Social Media